1. Activity that aims at graphic design in magazines, books, movies, television programs, etc.
2. Aesthetic layout of the images and letters that make up a design.
3. Graphical representation, especially that formed by writing characters.
4. Set of graphic features of the manual writing of a person.

brot34cas at gmail.com
@brot34cas (Twitter)


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Sunday, January 7, 2024

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13millonesdenaves.com   22/10/2021   Revista independiente sobre cómics y fanzines.

24houremergency.blogspot.com   27/07/2018

2zai.blogspot.com   18/05/2018   Helena Zália. "Anyone who Keeps the Ability to see Beauty never Grows Old", Franz Kafka.

32pages.ca   6/2/2023   32 Pages. A Passion for Picture Books. My name is Donna McKinnon. I live in a cold, northern city and I spend a lot of time in bookstores trying to stay warm.

365comicsxyear.blogspot.com   25/01/2021

36pages.com   19/02/2020   36 Pages. Craig Frazier is an illustrator who has enjoyed a distinguished career as a graphic designer since 1978.

3ster.blogspot.com   27/10/2020   Ester García. Estarse Quieta. Ilustradora.

4cp.posthaven.com   11/10/2019

4cp.tumblr.com   10/02/2019

50watts.com   26/02/2020

70sscifiart.tumblr.com   1/7/2024   70s Sci-Fi Art. Art. Sci-fi art. From the 70s.

9eme.net   6/2/2023   9eme concept. Depuis 28 ans le collectif d’artistes du 9ème Concept ne cesse de partager et diffuser auprès du plus grand nombre son esthétique à travers diverses expositions, résidences, concepts interactifs et happenings.

abc142.free.fr/monwordpress   09/03/2019

abnormalbrain.bizland.com   26/02/2020

abstractcomics.blogspot.com   1/7/2024   Abstract Comics: The Blog. The first and most comprehensive source of abstract comics on the web, tracing the history and surveying the contemporary landscape of abstract sequential art.

abuli.free.fr   31/03/2020   Página de Abulí.

acejet170.typepad.com   1/5/2024   Ace Jet 170. The inside of my head turned into digital pages. Pages that feature typography, graphic design, books, print, rocks, algae, the bum tree and a dead fly.

adolfoserra.blogspot.com   20/02/2019   Adolfo Serra.

aiforc.org   06/04/2019

albertomuriel.blogspot.com   26/08/2018

alberto-vazquez.blogspot.com   11/09/2018   Alberto Vazquez.

alen-lauzan.blogspot.com   1/7/2024   Blog de Alen Lauzán.

alfredllupia.carbonmade.com   1/5/2024   Alfred Llupia Perez.

alisondonato.format.com   1/5/2024   Character Design. Alison Donato's Portfolio.

allthingsger.blogspot.com   11/09/2018

alltoonfalltoon.blogspot.com   1/5/2024   Cartoonist Manoj Sinha.

amarantacaballero.blogspot.com   09/07/2018

americanbookcovers.blogspot.com   1/7/2024   The Art of  American Book Covers.

ampersand.gosedesign.net   12/12/2019

ampersandseven.blogspot.com   12/12/2019

anajuan.net   06/12/2020   Ana Juan.

anapaulamendez.tumblr.com   29/08/2019

anapez.blogspot.com   29/08/2019   Ana Pez.

annaalter.com   23/04/2021   Anna Alter. Anna grew up with a great love for drawing, painting, and reading. She attended the Rhode Island School of Design, where she studied illustration, and began publishing for children in 2001.

annaametller.blogspot.com   18/04/2020   Anna Ametller. Artista plástica. Obra escultórica, assamblage,... Arte de reciclaje. La Naturaleza como inspiración.

annaametllerillustration.blogspot.com   18/04/2020   Anna Ametller. Illustration.

annaillustration.com   30/05/2020

antiamericana.tumblr.com   06/12/2020   Anti-Americana.

apimadrid.net   21/01/2021   La Asociación de Profesionales de la Ilustración de Madrid (APIM) se fundó en 1985 y en la actualidad aglutina a profesionales procedentes de todas las ramas de la ilustración.

ariannefaber.com/wordpress   22/02/2019

artandpopularculture.com/Main_Page   1/7/2024   The Art and Popular Culture Encyclopedia.

artblog.net   1/6/2024   Artblog. I'm Franklin Einspruch, an artist and writer based in Boston.

artdish.com   1/6/2024   Artdish. In late 1999, Artdish - the Northwest Forum on Visual Art made its online debut to reach a Seattle and regional Northwest audience.

artestherren.blogspot.com   26/04/2019   Lisandro Estherren. Comic artist, illustrator, and graphic designer based in Argentina.

artfocus.com   1/6/2024   Künstler Portal der bildenden Kunst. Das Künstlerportal der bildenden Kunst Artfocus ist eine Galerie für Künstler, Galeristen und Kunstinteressierte.

art-for-a-change.com   1/5/2024   Art for a Change! Artist Mark Vallen's gallery of socially conscious artworks.

art-for-a-change.com/blog   1/6/2024   Mark Vallen’s. Art for a Change. Blog.

arthurmount.com   14/11/2019   Arthur Mount works as an illustrator based in San Luis Obispo on the central California coast. Since 1995, his work has been published on a regular basis in the US and has appeared in publications around the world.

artmercia.tumblr.com   17/02/2019

asociacionpublicacionesficcion.blogspot.com   02/10/2019   Asociación de Publicaciones de Ficción. A.P.F. es una organización sin fines de lucro que agrupa varias publicaciones argentinas, estableciendo vínculos y apoyando las iniciativas culturales en la literatura fantástica y la narrativa de géneros.

atelierpourenfants.blogspot.com   1/6/2024   Atelier pour enfants.

banksy.co.uk   12/02/2019

bastonazosdeciego.blogspot.com   18/04/2018

baulabuela.wordpress.com   5/13/2023   eL BaúL que no Tenía mi aBueLa. Ilustraciones de Cuento.

bd.clementfabre.fr   1/7/2024   Clément C. Fabre, Bande dessinée. Illustration.

bdzoom.com/72559/patrimoine/d%E2%80%99arabelle-a-patapouf-jean-ache-premiere-partie   01/01/2017

beatrizcastroilustracion.com   24/10/2019   Beatriz Castro. Ilustradora.

berlintypography.wordpress.com   01/03/2020   Berlin Typography. Buchstaben und die Stadt. Text and the City.

blog.1979semifinalist.com   27/07/2018

blog.fanch-bd.com   11/03/2018

blondie.com   12/02/2019

bombmagazine.org   1/6/2024   BOMB Magazine has been publishing conversations between artists of all disciplines since 1981.

borbotosebarbelas.blogspot.com   18/04/2018

cac3d.com/index.php   10/15/2019

capristocomic.blogspot.com   17/08/2018   Oz Capristo comics.

cargo.site   1/6/2024   Cargo is a professional site building platform for designers and artists.

cargocollective.com/drout750   05/04/2018

caricature-dc.com   10/07/2018

carmen.cru.free.fr/index2.htm   25/04/2019   Carmen Cru, la vieille carne de la bande dessinée de Lelong, a son site web. Entre 1982 et 1988, Jean-Marc Lelong nous a offert dans Fluide Glacial, un personnage de bande-dessinée hors du commun.

cartellistes.blogspot.com   1/6/2024   Els “meus” cartellistes. El blog d’història del cartell de Santi Barjau.

cartoons.osu.edu   1/6/2024   The Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum houses the world’s largest collection of materials related to cartoons and comics, including original art, books, magazines, journals, comic books, archival materials, and newspaper comic strip pages and clippings.

cesardacol.blogspot.com   25/04/2018

chacalx.blogspot.com   14/05/2018

cheappaperart.com   25/09/2020

chhuy-ing.tumblr.com   1/7/2024   Chhuy - ing!

chnm.gmu.edu/aq/comics/start.html   1/7/2024   From Hogan's Alley to Coconino County: Four Narratives of the Early Comic Strip.

chrisachilleos.co.uk   07/05/2020   Chris Achilleos is a British illustrator, painter and conceptual artist. Over the past 40 years, he has created some of the best loved fantasy and glamour art and is acknowledged as one of the top fantasy artists in the world.

chrisreijnen.tumblr.com   13/01/2018

christchurchartgallery.org.nz   1/7/2024   Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū. Welcome to the home of one of Aotearoa New Zealand's most important public art collections.

ciiawhatsup.blogspot.com   1/7/2024   My name is Chhuy-ing (pronounce like in Wayne's World). Fun and simple as this! I was born in Ho Chi Minh City and grew up in Paris where I still live today.

codex99.com   07/05/2020   Codex 99 is a blog about art and design and history. Codex 99 is an occasionally updated website about art, design and history, except when it’s about something else altogether.

collingridge.co.uk   07/05/2020   Richard Collingridge. Illustration.

comicartcommunity.com   09/01/2020   Comic Art Community. Comic Book News and Image Gallery.

comicbookcartography.posthaven.com   11/10/2019   Comic Book Cartography. A Collection of Maps and Diagrams.

comicsalliance.com   19/02/2019

comicstripfan.com   1/6/2024   ComicStripFan. On this site, you will find great examples of original comic strip art (both for newspaper and webcomics), a bit of original comic book art, some original Humorama art, and other miscellaneous art pieces as well.

comicstripfan.com/newspaper/m/muggsandskeeter.htm   19/07/2018

cotelerama.blogspot.com   18/04/2020   Co3points @ Télérama.

curtis.library.northwestern.edu   19/02/2020   Edward S. Curtis's The North American Indian. Digital reproduction of the North American Indian, published by Edward Sheriff Curtis between 1907 and 1930 with the intent to record traditional Indian cultures.

dashshaw.tumblr.com   1/7/2024   Dash Shaw. Comics & Animation.

daspasjoumm.blogspot.com   01/09/2019

davidokeefe.com   10/01/2020   David O’Keefe Pop Culture Gallery. David O’Keefe Studios.

davycrockettsalmanack.blogspot.com   06/12/2020   Davy Crockett's Almanack of Mystery. Adventure and The Wild West.

decisivegestures.tumblr.com   05/05/2018   Decisive Gestures.

deletrasycolores.blogspot.com   14/02/2019

denniscalero.com   26/10/2019   Dennis Calero Art. The home of all things writer artist Dennis Calero.

depapelesytelasi.blogspot.com   12/06/2020

design.steveboerner.com   1/7/2024   Steve Boerner Typography & Design. Working in a letterpress print shop, setting type by hand and running a platen press was a formative experience and, though I didn't realize it at the time, a perfect introduction to the craft of graphic design.